
FENG SHUI in households














  • Lumicenta Satinato  装饰漆为基色–肮脏的白色或橄榄色
  • Magnapearl丝绒  银基色
  • 其中一堵墙可以涂上  一种颜色的穆里略(Murillo)哑光漆,然后使用以下产品在另一堵墙上漆:Lumicenta或Velluti以适当的色调保持平衡。

不建议使用的颜色:橙色,红色(除非需要强烈的情绪和兴奋:))激进的颜色会削弱QI(生命能量)的放松和镇定作用-它会影响睡眠质量。对于更强烈的颜色,深红色是一个不错的选择,因为它充满活力且不会分散注意力(哑光Eco 13MurilloMurimal 200)。




  • Eco 12  缎面油漆,颜色:AP9-6或AP9-4,
  • 结合深蓝色的Jean Velatura效果或深蓝色的Jeans油漆中的Jean Velatura
  • Eco 12  涂料具有Corado效果,可以在样本中以选定的和类似的色调在单壁上使用线性或  混合图案,并具有Corado效果 





  • Cromo  装饰漆(CRS 115M)或  Perlagrande(颜色:PG 111M)具有天鹅绒般的光泽和优雅的余辉,
  • Eco 13  缎面油漆,颜色:AP56-2或AP56-3,AP53-3和AP53-2,AP53-4,
  •  带有垂直面条效应的撒哈拉效应  (SHS 107M,SHS111D)非常适合研究。





  • Eco 12  缎面油漆,颜色:AP3-2或AP3-5,
  • Lumicca珍珠  装饰漆  韦内齐亚诺效果,光线柔和的颜色相似的家具或其它室内设计元素的阴影
  • 以自然色石灰华(Traverino Naturale)看起来也很棒。可以使用透明的玻璃窗格保护直接暴露于水的区域,这些窗格的角上带有金属装饰钉(作为支架)。
  • Revello  或Luna,颜色:RVS 101,RVS 103,RVS 104、105、106












Not recommended colours: shades of brown, violet.

Library, rooms intended for studying – just like in studies, calm and harmonious atmosphere is recommended so that nothing disturbs us.

Recommended colours: azure, green, shades of brown.

We recommend:

  • Murimal 200 matt paint, selected from recommended colours,
  • one wall can be emphasised using subtle and delicate Lumicenta Satinato, painted in stripes alternatingly with two shades of a single colour,
  • Jeans Velatura in an appropriate tone can be applied to a single wall to add a cosy and warm touch.

Not recommended colours: shades of red and grey.

Rooms intended for praying and meditation are supposed to put us in a state of reverie, concentration, and elevation, enabling us to calm down and enter another state of conciousness. In such rooms we wish to find the right path, listening to an inner voice. They are also supposed to balance the mind, help us set ourselves goals and be able to talk to God.
Recommended colours: violet, beige, black, grey, green.

We recommend pearlescent paints and very subtle patterns:

  • Cromo, colours: CR 006, Grey base, CR 001
  • Impresja in a base colour
  • Sahara Silver: SHS 102D, 101D combined with SHS 101M
  • Revello RVS 112 and RVS 111
  • Murillo paint in an appropriate tone such as AP8-5 or 6

Not recommended colours: shades of red.

Workplace – We open a store because we want people to be willing to come to us and purchase our goods or services. It is obvious that it should be located in an easily accessible place in a busy area. Our guiding principle differs from what we consider when seeking a quiet area to build a house. There are a few principles that we have to remember when preparing a workplace. Avoid locating your desk directly on the line that connects the door with the window. Try to have a wall behind your back. Putting an excessive amount of devices that emit energy affects our concentration and ability to perform concept work, may even lead to bad choices and decisions. Some deciduous plants may help you neutralise this energy. Locating the room in the eastern part of the house increases the ability to communicate. However, if the purpose of your business is sales, the room should be located in the southern part. When you share a room with your colleagues, put your desk in the north-west part – the QI present in this area improves your leadership and organisational skills. When designing rooms intended for working, try to avoid QI stagnation – strive to keep an order of large and small objects.

We recommend the following products in selected colours:


EAST: kitchen, workplace, dining room, kids' room, bathroom.

This direction stimulates all kind of activity, improves optimism and self-confidence, and facilitates implementation of concepts. Excessive energy in these rooms may lead to lack of patience and setting the bar too high. This kind of energy is boosted with colours such as dirty white to cream, stabilised with light green, dark green, and navy blue, and weakened with purple.

WEST: bedroom (most recommended), living room, dining room.

Encourages better control over finances, provides romantic atmosphere, facilitates joy and entertainment, and reduces stress and irritation. If excessive and enhanced with colours, this energy may lead to spending large amounts of money (often recklessly) and lust for entertainment. This kind of energy is boosted with light colours such as white, yellow, and even brown, stabilised with shades of red and orange, and weakened with dirty white to cream colours.

NORTH: television room, bedroom.

North affects our creativity, independence, and internal development. When excessive, it may cause loneliness, unnecessary concerns, hesitation, and isolation. This kind of energy is boosted with colours such as orange to red and white to grey, stabilised with dirty white, and weakened with light green, dark green, and navy blue.

SOUTH: hall, workplace, living room.

Encourages passion, activity, and public recognition. However, it also causes stress, instability, and contentiousness. This kind of energy is boosted with colours such as light green, dark green, and navy blue, stabilised with purple, and weakened with glossy white, light shades of yellow, and brown.

Many individuals who live in our climate zone suffer from depression during dull seasons, especially between October and February. Such state is referred to as seasonal affective disorder. A sufficient amount of QI energy in our interiors may prevent it successfully. Warm and bright light is a major requirement. Whenever possible, try to let as much light into your house or flat as you can. Natural materials are recommended for finishing and furnishing interiors as they do not obstruct the energy flow. What is more, natural and eco-friendly paints and products should be used when coating and decorating walls. We offer a wide variety of natural materials that, among other features, enable the walls to breathe. Feng shui is known as an ancient art of planning that enables us to live in harmony with the natural environment.

The universe is a vast energy field, our bodies belong to the Earth's energy field and remain affected by it. Everybody has their own field that extends beyond the visible boundaries of the body. Due to its nature, energy is in constant motion. Thanks to our senses, we are able to perceive only the most obvious forms of motion such as traffic, wind, etc. However, we are not aware of more subtle vibrations which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Fortunately, nature equipped us with unfailing intuition that makes us feel in a certain way when we are in various locations, talk to people, or look at objects and situations that surround us. Our sensibility to energy motion changes and depends on multiple factors.

Intuition helps us perceive the reality around us correctly. Nature prepared us to use our instinct and react properly. It is only up to us whether we choose to listen to the voice from within and trust it. If you do not sleep well, wake up tired, stressed, and sleep does not give you rest without any physical or mental basis for such pathology, take a closer look at the location of your bed (whether there are no mirrors, ledges, beams, heavy decorations, curtains, dark and overwhelming colours, or no electronics close to your bed, check cardinal directions and location of windows, doors, etc.). Colour is crucial when it comes to energy flow. Proper colour composition can provide a desired final effect: revitalising, energising, relaxing, and calming. We need this knowledge to take advantage of the natural power of colours so as to design our households appropriately and feel better at home.



