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Prime absorbent (stable) substrate using MFA Classic concentrate diluted 1:3 with water. Apply primer with a wide brush, working it well into the substrate. Priming strengthens the substrate and improves adhesiveness and coverage of further coats.
Prime absorbent (weak) substrates and surfaces of old walls with MFA PLUS diluted max. 1:3 with water. Apply primer with a wide brush, working it well into the substrate. Deeply penetrating and binding the substrate, priming strengthens it, reduces excessive absorbency, and improves the coverage of further coats.

quartz primer
When applied as quartz primer, Bucciato E must be diluted with 30% of water and stirred thoroughly. Apply with a wide brush, according to the direction of the decorative coat to be created. Created quartz coat will increase adhesiveness and facilitate application of further coats.

base coat
Before use, stir Grassmarmo thoroughly (manually or mechanically). Apply all layers with a professional INOX trowel. Grassmarmo contains fine grains, thus while distributing the compound, press the trowel against the substrate at a small angle. Grassmarmo contains fine grains, thus while distributing the compound, hold the trowel at a small angle. Apply a layer of compound, covering the whole surface in movements towards the centre of the new layer. The work should be performed in stages until the whole surface is covered.

levelling layer
Clear the substrate initially with a putty knife. The coat should remain matt, thus you should always have some compound on the trowel during application and distribution. Apply overlapping layers of Grassmarmo, at the same time levelling the substrate until the whole surface is covered. Proceed to the next layer 20 minutes after commencing application of the first one (depending on the temperature and drying time).

decorative coat
Prepare a medium INOX trowel for application and a small one for producing gloss. Smooth out the edges of trowels using fine sandpaper as the trowels must not scratch the surface. Apply overlapping layers of the compound of similar size to a drying substrate and remove according to the direction of new layers, squeezing excessive compound from under the trowel. After applying to a small area, smooth it out and produce gloss using an INOX trowel while the compound is still drying. The work should be performed in stages in one go until the whole surface is covered. When applying the final coats to a large area, two people should perform the work. One person applies the compound and smooths out the surface, the other one adds gloss to drying layer.

Whole system
Ecological smooth decorative effect produced using Grassmarmo compound containing natural minerals. Selected components based on slaked lime create an alkaline environment and facilitate easy removal of moisture from the walls in order to prevent fungi, moulds, and other micro-organisms from growing. Recommended for small, narrow rooms, ceilings, and any places you want to decorate with and elegant effect of reflections. The mirror effect enlarges the interior visually. Grassmarmo is perfect for refurbishment works and renovation of historical interiors. Provides a marble-like noble finish, but it is not cold, as it adjusts to the ambient temperature.
